Saturday, March 24, 2012

Life in Leuven

         So after the fam left I had a couple of weeks of down time. I tried to enjoy it as much as I could since my schedule is basically jam-packed until June...but I'm not complaining. My schedule consists of trips to Italy, Denmark, England, as well as some more guests just to name a few. I organized my room, did a bunch of errands and tried to catch up on my! But I suppose I have to do some work sometimes! I also spent a lot of time with Amelie, the 5 year old I babysit a few times a week after school. I help her with English because she is speaking Dutch throughout the rest of her day.

Serving the City:

        I logged some community service hours during my free time in Leuven during iCare week when the whole city puts in time to work for the good of the community. I spent 2 days at Poverello, a local soup kitchen, that provides meals for those who face poverty. We were painting, cleaning, and helping get the place organized! It was really enjoyable because we got to spend time with the locals who volunteer there all the time and I got a real feel for what it was like to be a part of the community.

Katie and I painting at the Serve the City site.

Katie, Cait, & I also put in some time at the Oud Markt!

You learn something new everyday! 
After passing this circular plate in the groud for the past 7 months, I just realized that it raises on Thursday nights (the big "going out night" for students) to be a public urinal! If you remember my Amsterdam post, there were these urinals along the streets all day erry day, but luckily Leuven keeps it classy and hides them during daylight hours. 
The hidden urinal in front of the fak bars on Tiensenstraat.

Casually eating some lunch with Amelie in the town center.
The beautiful weather makes our walk home a lot more enjoyable!
We celebrated Tessa's 21st birthday!
 She is one the the wonderful Belgians who lives in my unit! 
(Back Row) Astrid, Lucas, Mayank, Caroline
(Front Row) Myself & Tessa

We also played this fun game in the courtyard one evening with some valuable unit 3 members! The game involved throwing wooden sticks a distance and trying to knock over wooden blocks. It has a similar idea to horseshoes...minus the horseshoes if that makes sense...
And be careful, it can get dangerous if you get in the way of the game pieces!!

Leuven is still as wonderful as ever and I can't wait for the spring!
Nothing better than a beautiful day in a beautiful place! 

Back to Ireland I go!

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